St. Omer > Do you remember



intake 3/82 byford platoon our csm barney green i remember his dog, a doberman called Nero I think he was a bad tempered bloke till that dog came along.... i always remember walking back from the PTI school swimming bath on a Thursday when a voice we all knew orderd attention a half dozen guys sprang to attention, it was "piggy" portman on the drill square what a voice to carry all that way.. anyone from 3/82 Byford out there ??

453 Moore

I was in 2/82 Byford platoon. I remember Woody from your intake as he was from the same town as me

I remember 3 /82 though I was a NIG in 2/83 . Jock Gebie n Cowie, Mick Turner the drop short Para Plt Sgt.Millford, Mick entwhistle though Mackie, Martin , Persaud, Schwarzer were some of 2/83. 2/82 made our lives hell lol


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