Welcome to the ACC
Army Catering Corps Admin Message.
The site is coming to the end of its useful life and I probably won’t be updating it anymore.
There are a lot of ACC posts on Facebook and posters are very active there. This site was great before Facebook, but now It’s just here as a reference.
I won’t be deleting any content, and apart from security fixes I won’t be updating the site anymore.
Thanks for all your support and feel free to use any photos on the site.
Welcome to the New Army Catering Corps Unofficial website. Just a few tips to get you started. If you are an Ex member and want to be found or are looking for a friend, please register on the message boards.
When you register, please use a name others will recognize and leave an email address, so others can get in touch. Don’t send emails through Guest book, it won’t work. Please do not publish your email address on the site unless you want a ton of spam.
Email addresses in the profile section and when you register on the boards are hidden and safe from spammers.
We Sustain
Please check the Guest book if you have an entry there, recently there have been a few comments left, and it could be someone is trying to contact you.
For the people who have visited before, there have been some changes in the Board’s area. We now have a system of ranks, related to the number of posts you make. There are new themes to choose from, and a whole load of new avatars. You can access all this through the profile link on the Boards, if you need any help just email me.
This is the unofficial website of the Army catering Corps.
This site came about because I was looking for some old comrades and found only one site that was any help. All the other sites wanted money out of me, so I thought why not go ahead and make my own site.
I am proud to have served in the Army Catering Corps the training and experience I gained have stood me in good stead. So much so that now I run a large Catering and Hotel company. It also occurred to me that there is a wealth of catering experience floating around out there with no proper forum to meet and discuss. So from this idea this site grew.
The site is for you please feel free to contribute or suggest new ideas. If you have experience with web design or writing and want to help please email me. I look back with fondness at my time in the Corps even working in the field, by the way did anyone ever find a way to keep clean when using a burner?
The ACC Site Is For You
It would be great if you could submit your photos, anything Catering Corps related, I would like to hear your tales and stories where did you serve? Are you looking for an old friend? I hope this will be the site where you will find them. I will publish all suitable material on the site.
It’s a shame that a great Corps like ours was, does not have an official website where Members and friends can meet up chat and talk about old times. That’s why I started this site. I don’t want the Corps to just fade silently away. So come on you lot this is your site use it let’s build a community online talk over old time’s make new friends and share a laugh or two.
Jon O'Gara
Does anyone know David Wood
Or served with him. NI Bosnia and 1st Gulf
I think he was attached to RA
Thanks Guys
paul baverstock
hello,im trying to find any details on my friends father who he says served in ww2 and then in the catering corps.the persons name im trying to locate is a myrddin kenneth burt,from the forest of dean gloucestershire.i would be gratefull if any one could help me.kind regards
paul baverstock
Anthony Cornick
Would like to contact Alan Barclay
Royal Catering Corps.
Used to ride Honda 4-500cc UK Rallies.
Member of 171 club Manchester.
Old friend wish’s to contact him.
Rode together to a Belgium Rally.
Tony Cornick MZ250.
Hi would anyone know an Arthur Allison who used to be married to a Sally Smith from Lisburn, N.I
Harry Moore
Ian Davis acc with 101rmp dusseldorf1967 , where are you mate. From Harry Moore.
Ina Mackie
Hi there does anyone remember Neil Schofield 1964 to 1986
Dave Button
I knew Neil, we were stationed together with 1 RGJ in Hong Kong & Hounslow, heard nothing of him since I left The Green Jackets
colin cruden
i did my b2/b1 cooking certification in aldershot and went for a chef job but was told that the certification was a waste of time and useless
A lot of employers I have dealt with, recognise them. In fact a lot of commercial catering companies will actually prefer Ex army chefs. Thats my experience anyway.
I totally agree.When I was appraising applicants for a position and they were ex ACC they were ahead of the rest.
Harry Hodge
Is this the same Steve Hampton of cod donnington fame,remember clarkie,status quo and myself ?
John Dootson
Looking for Pete Barton John Noonan and Alan Colman
Pete Ostle
Hi John
Don’t know if you remember me Pete Ostle served with KOSB in Osnabruck I think you were with engineers remember John Noonan Pete Barton seems familiar but after Osnabruck didnt bump into them hope all is going well with you.
John Noonan
Hi John, long time no see. How the devil are you. John Noonan.
Alison Middle
Hi, i’m trying to find out more about my husband Edward Middle, who passed away on 31st July and was a warrant officer in the late 80s and early 90s – he never talked much about his time in the army but i’d like to know more. Thanks
Michael Collins
Hi Alison,
So sorry to hear of your loss. I was an apprentice chef in 1981-1983 in St Omer and Eddie was my first ever Sergeant, I looked up to him and was pleased to see later in my career that he was a Warrant Officer.
I would be happy to share some stories, I was 16 -18 at the time so he was an inspiration to us all..
Take care Michael x
John Launders
I was in ACC in 1976 and knew of a Corporal Middle, I can only assume that he made his way up through the ranks
He was a top bloke and helped us guys a lot
Chris clark
Looking for Dennis Alan Smith served at Aldershot 1970 then went on to detmold from 74/77 thanks
Sharon Pashby
Hi, looking for any of the following who I trained with at St Omer in 1977, Robert Milton, Janet Sharpe, Lorraine Prebble, Kay Barry or Anita Sedgewick.
peter clowes
Peter Clowes
is it possible to obtain past group photos of intakes, at Ramillies StOmar Aldershot .I would like to obtain group photo of intake number ,
5322 taken in nov/dec 1953 , jan/feb 1954,?????
Try the old galleries there are a lot of group photos, http://www.armycateringcorps.co.uk/gallery1.htm
Lynne Harvey
Hi, i”m Lynne my dad Howard Conrad Harvey would like to get in touch with any cooks who served in Malta,1962-1964 we lived in Sliema Birkirkara road, I believe he was stationed at Mtarfa. He was in 50 missile regiment royal artillery in Menden Sauerland during the period of December 1964-1966. Also 4 div regiment RCT in Duisburg 1967-1969.Then his last posting to England Colchester Roman way Barracks 1970-1973.After opening his own restaurant in Clacton on sea Essex, Dad is enjoying his retirement with my mum Sheila.
Looking for anyone from 8 squad 1971 my name mick hanlon
I was at st Omar bus 1971 8 squad would love to hear from anyone who.rembers zen the twins Duncan Adams etc
Melvyn (jacko)jackson
Anyone that was in sqad 24/25 feb 1965 and there was a few lofty.taffy.Donald galor.Bill naylor
Melvyn (jacko)jackson
Send an email be glad to hear from you
Not sure if anyone served with Paul Andrews (RMAS) (Germany) – he passed away in March 2017. Any pictures or info would be great.
I have a photo of the ACC football team vs APTC (1984) here
Hello Dan,
I served with Paul in Germany at F.O.D Dulmen.
He was married to Grace and had 2 boys.
He got his promotion to Sergeant on the same board as i was on. The last i heard was that he was an S.Q.M.S. Paul as you know loved his sport and at Dulmen was in their football team plus he loved his golf.I am very sad to hear of his passing.
Best regards Dan.
Taff rainey (REME)
does anyone know Jimmy Simpson from Portsmouth served with 4th field ambulance in catterick Yorkshire during 1967-1970
andy harding
looking for any cooks who were at beahley camp 1974/1978
john thompson
I was at beachley camp Chepstow 77-79
trying to track down the female jock chef attached to 1st A&SH in Minden, 1990 1991
Richard beresford
Looking for Roy Scutt from Portsmouth served together at bramcock barracks 1975
Adam Newton
I support a man with Dementia who I recently found out was in the Army Catering Corps. We found a certificate addressed to: 24811512 Pte E W Whitemen dated 1988.
If anyone knows an Ernest William Whitemen, from that era, then please contact me. It would be great to get more information about this man and possibly create a memory book for him that includes pictures or stories from his past.
Thank you.
Barry Safhill
Hi my name is Barry Safhill served in 5 RTR tranfered to ACC served in Borneo 1966 then RCT Ripon Engineers Ripon Fusilers Strensall MCTC Colchester would like anyone to get in touch thanks
Samantha Jayne Friar
Does anyone remember Rex Anthony Friar (Tony)
He was here in the mid to late 1960s.
He was a great chef.
I’m his Grandaughter so I had good food.
Thank you
george f knowles
i would like to hear from from any one who did training at st omer and cyprus 56/58 i made a lot of friends and would like to hear from you scouse the butcher and ron woolgar were are you
andy harding
john Thompson, I would like to get in touch, pls send email
Mick Smith (Smiffy)
Any old G&H squads (Joined March 1963) still around? I would love to hear how you have/are getting on!
Jason lambert
Hi , was you in Germany late 60s early 70s ? My father terence (terry) lambert is looking for a Mick Smith in the catering corps.
Jacquie Grimmond
Hi Mick, did you work at The Aldershot Barracks? Someone would dearly love to find you
Jacky lewis
In trying to contact Andy Harding ‘ Dustin Hoffman and John thompson I was in beechly camp and know as taff lewis you can contact me on my wife’s email addres
Jacky lewis
Im trying to contact Dustin Hoffman Andy Harding and John Thompson i was known as Roger Taff lewis
You an contact me on .y wife’s emil address
John Brown
Any chefs (ACC), lived and worked at .39 Engineers Waterbeach, Cambridge, ( LOVE TO CATCH UP N CHAT ABOUT THE OLD PLACE NOW DEFUNKED
Keith Saunders
My brother served in the ACC in the early sixties. He was Charles Frederick Saunders but everyone new him as David. I have no idea what units he served with and I cant find is service number but he was posted to Germany and served in Aden.
Sadly, David passed away on Sunday 20th January 2019. Any information on my brothers service would be appreciated.
If you have an obituaries page on your web site, would you please ad his name to it.
Thank you.
Michele Little
Trying to find any info re. My father, Albert F Little. Served with RASC then Catering corps ww2
Louisa Smith (on behalf of Ian Begg)
Hi there. My father in law would love to try to get in touch with friends he served with but I really am not sure where to start. He joined 23/01/1958 served in ACC based in Aldershot. His name is Ian Begg from Edinburgh. Any help would be greatly appreciated ☺
JP Harrison (ex-Sergeant ACC (1976-1991)
Dear Alison Middle
Commiserations for your loss. I have only just noticed your post from 2017 and can say that Eddie was the first training I met, when I turned up to join No. 3 Squad at St Omer Barracks Reception, Trg Bn and Depot, in June 1976.
Our other DS I can remember were Lt Hill, Cpl Boswell and Sgt Reg Hill (who is on the front page of this site) If I remember right, Eddie was between 26-28 years old in 1976.
I remember Eddie as a fair, firm and totally professional instructor, all the way. I also remember he taught us everything about soldiering, and in my case how to play the guitar (he was pretty good).
Eddie was promoted to full Cpl while I was there and I recall him marching proudly away from the Company HQ, near the Guardroom and Armoury, wearing his second stripe. Well deserved.
I met Eddie only once more, when he came into St Omer Guardroom as a Sergeant while I was on duty there (on a course). He recognised me.
The last time I saw Eddie was around 1990/1991, and I am certain he was sitting in his office adjacent to the Guardroom, next to the armoury, and smoking a pipe. He may have been the RQMS (Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant) but I could be wrong.
Eddie was a good bloke, never a bully, and totally trustworthy as I’m sure those who really knew him would agree. Last I heard – from former Cpl Brooksbank – was that Eddie was “driving a Taxi in Aldershot”.
Sad loss and only positive memories of the man.
Tony Lawrence
I’m trying to find out any details regarding my Grandfather Charles Munden who served in the Army Catering Corps from 1941 during WW2 in Northwest Europe. We have a few notes with 101 Coy ACC which I assume is 101 Company Army Catering Corps; but I can’t find any details re the company anywhere or which larger unit they would have been attached to. Any help would be gratefully appreciated,
Kind Regards
Tony Lawrence
James Matthews (son in law)
Does any one know of a Cpl? Rose Woolley who served around 1955-1960 ish she served at Staff College Latimer.
Dennis Golding
Hi. I was in the A.C.C attached to the 3d. R.T.R
in Detmold. Germany 1957/58/59.
Any other cooks out there ?
Sam dunnett
Hello everyone
I’m looking for information of my uncle Kenneth Micheal Olcot. I believe his passing out was 1965. I am desperate for any info for my mum (his sister) as we sadly lost my uncle on the 15/01/2020.
Thank you all
Anthony Pulver
trying to find some friends of my father who was in the ACC from 1955 – 1957
I have his info. and photos.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kevin levy
My dad was in from 55 -57
His name was bill levy
He was acc attached to the rasc 125 coy at binden
Barracks Hameln Germany
Stewart Hector
Looking for old apprentices from FGH squad joined 1970 as we are holding a 50th reunion at Aldershot in early May this year. Where are you? Get in touch please. Cheers Stewart Hector
jason lowe
looking for any photos of intake 2/88
Kirsty Minshall
I’m helping my dad find his friend Ken Desborough, they were in the Army 1970.
Thanks in advance.
Tony White
Was wondering if anybody knows or has any old photos of my dad ,Nick White (chalky). Was stationed in Iserlohn (Germany) ,Woolwich, N.ireland ,Canterbury and Exeter. I was born in 81′ in Iserlohn and think my dad served from 1974/75 onwards till he left round about 95/96.
Karen Howell
Hi, I’m looking for a old friend of mine who was at sandhurst. Name is John Bull. Master Chef.
Many thanks
Neil Morrell
Joined ACC 21st January 1974 – would love to hear from any who mind – hopefully remember me, also known by many for some unknown reason as Daphne. RSVP
Denise Kaye
HI Can anyone help me please , I am looking for information , My father Kenneth John Arstall dob 05/04/1939from Wigan Lancashire, served with the ACC, I believe he served late 1950s to mid to late 1960s. . Any one with any information please get in touch with kind regards Dee
Susan J Eaton
This is a slightly unusual request and I appreciate you are the unofficial site but i hope you can help us. I represent us publishing company, Cavalcade Books, (a branch of Corona Books) and we are at present working with a gentleman who wishes to publish his memoirs of his time in the Catering Corp. He, and we, would like to use the Catering Corp badge but are wondering if we would be legally able to do this. I hope you can help us with this enquiry or at least tell us where we could find the answer. Thank you
As far as I know, the Badge is not trademarked. The ACC association should be able to tell you at https://www.accassociation.org/
John Launders
Hi, Re the photo on the website, I am on the far right of the photo and this was in the summer of 76, when we all also had to fight the fires ion the ash ranges.
harry hodge
I am trying to find the full army service number or last 3 of infamous chef Dennis nilsen
Hj trying to find anyone who joined 04/01/71 Junior Soldier ACC at St Omer Bks Aldershot My name is Andrew Dodwell DODDY Be nice to hear from who joined with me
Robert Legg
I am trying to find information of my uncle who I am told was in the ACC and would have served in BAOR during the 60’s/70’s. The information I have is:-
Legg G.A. 22322407 possibly became a Sgt. For various reasons my family members have lost contact with each other over the years. He probably lived in the Dorchester area prior to joining up. Any information would be appreciated
JP Harrison
Harry Hodge I think I know you. Lisburn HQNI in 1982 – ACC Depot in 1990?
Steven Doig
Hello, I am looking for anyone that may have served with Anthony (Tony) Woods. He died of a heart attack on duty in germany in 1971/2. I believe he was attached to the Green Jackets and had served with them in Malayia. He is my girlfriends daughter, she was only 2 when he died and only has one photo of him. His number was 22976073 (WO2 R A Woods) Regards
David Ormsby
Looking for David Knight, was the Head Chef at Ballykinler in about 1992, then went off to HQNI
Jack Keeley
Looking for any chefs that were posted to Bassingbourn Barracks Depot the Queens Division in 1969 to 1971
Mel Oglesbee
anybody around from Burma plt. st Omar barrs 64/66
Andy Davies
Would love to hear from anyone that was intake 3/78 Casino Platoon.
Skin Davies
Aaron Skeels
Hi all,
I am looking for anyone that served with my father, Cpl. Robert Skeels. Enlisted in Fed 1972.
He pasted away recently after contracting COVID-19.
I have been looking through old pictures of his time in Mexico, Belize, Germany and N. Ireland and found his service certificate. His funeral is tomorrow (30th November 2021) and would welcome any memories anyone has of him.
Thank you All
Chris Hughes
I am replying to Harry Hodge. I do not know Dennis Neilson’s service number. What I do know is that I was his replacement when posted to the Shetland Isles, he was a corporal. Apart from hello on arrival I did not see much of him as he spent most of the 2 weeks of handover in the photography darkroom. Not a problem for me as I was also replacing the cook sgt., so learnt the ropes from him
Happy days.
Steve Nokes
I recall Sgt Reg Hill. I have a lot of respect for the man. I was in Aldershot in 1976 with A platoon – 18 Squad. Wondering what happened to him and some of the blokes i was with back then. John McArthur. Paul Mitchell. Jock Magee and others
Stuart Malin
Looking for Paul Wyatt at Aldershot acc66/67
Stuart Malin
Looking for Bob Gale acc 66/67
J luke
Hi there to all of you. Looking for any members of J Squad. In St Omer 1952 -1955 . I was also know as Punch? As was a boxing team member.
Hi Just thought i would like to say that Ronald Roe has passed away a couple of years ago. he severed in the A.C.C for 22years He retired as a WO11.
Alan kirkland
Any 5 th intake guys in here 1974 to 1976 apprentices
Alan kirkland
5 th intake 1974 to 76 apprentice college
Alan kirkland
How do you add photos
Alan kirkland
Are you adking for bank details to join this site
ADMIN RESPONSE We do not ask for any bank details
Brigitte Crumpler
Hello, I’m looking for any information about my father John Anthony Bowyer ( Tony) who was in the ACC from around 1958 to 1964, when he left the service and was unfortunately killed in an accident shortly afterwards. My mother and I lost touch with his family so I know little about him. I do know that he served in Kenya, Malaysia ( Penang), Aden and Germany, acted as chef to a General in Somerset, and was really into photography and sport ; especially running.
I’d be really grateful for any information, thank you!
Searching foe any information on a close elderly friend,William Bird. He served in 1957 onwards i believe, he mentions he was a top chef, and was un aftica. I would love to find out any information as he loves talking about his time in the Army. He mentions Fusiliers in the past, any help is gratefully received,thank you
I am looking for RQMS Tony Jackson or RQMS Jones both work together with the fusiliers also anybody who work with them in the 1960s in Ireland or Gibraltar
Mick Thornley
Anyone from the summer of 1984 territorial catering corp based at St Omer Barracks who’s Sgt Major was called Scattergood, would be good to know where people are at nowadays.
Hi i’m looking for anyone that served with Adrian Keep in the late 70’s early 80’s in Aldershot and Towyn (Wales) Trying to find any pictures.
Does anyone know someone that served in Belize in the early early 70s? I am trying to find a family member who was a British soldier. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help.
yanine Catherine ford
Looking for anyone whom served with my dad Anthony Ellis Hughes (Taff / Tony in catering Corp between 1960-1971.
Stuart Taylor
Stuart Taylor,lm trying to find Tex Houston Robb, Stuart Mayhew 36 Reg RE